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How to Improve Children's Memory Early on

Catatan Azzahra - Improve Children's Memory Early

The early years of a child's life are a time that parents should use to form strong children's memories or memories. A good memory will create a foundation for learning in a good child too. Unfortunately, a strong memory is not something that is naturally born. However, you don't need to be discouraged if your child can't remember many things at an immature age. Follow these five ways to improve memory in children who are still growing.

Five effective ways to improve children's memory 

From birth to six years of age, children's brains can work faster than adults. Children's brains are like sponges that can absorb all the information they receive around them. Therefore, take advantage of this age of growth and development to improve children's memory by doing the following things.

1. Read with children

An easy way to improve a child's memory is to read books to children or with children. Reading can train children's brain development so that it can improve children's language, communication and writing skills.

According to Steve Melton, a pediatrician from West Tennessee Healthcare, this increase in ability can occur because children are exposed to new vocabulary, images, and colors, thus encouraging cognitive development and can increase children's insight into their surrounding environment.

2. Play while learning

Board games such as puzzles, snakes and ladders, and candy land are fun learning activities. These games can stimulate the brain in innovative ways and teach children to follow directions and use their memories.

In very young children, you can choose game flash cards. Here, you ask the child to guess the name of an object or something else that you point to it.

Meanwhile, in adults, you can practice visualization skills of children from things they have just heard. For example, you tell your child to set the table. Ask the children to imagine the shape of the table. After that, encourage the child to make a picture of the table on the paper or describe the shape of the table into a story. Apart from improving memory, this game will also encourage children's creativity.

Singing together can also be a choice of fun children's games. By singing, you indirectly stimulate the child's brain to remember a tone and song lyrics. This method is considered effective for improving children's memory, even those who are only one year old.

3. Provides brain-boosting nutrition

Another way to improve a child's memory is by providing nutrients that are proven to improve brain power. Some of the brain-boosting nutrients you should give your child include:

  • Omega 3, to improve brain function in children and can be obtained from fish oil
  • Choline, to sharpen children's memory and is contained in egg yolks
  • Vitamin E, to improve memory and language development which is usually found in nuts and seeds

Apart from food, you can provide all three of the above nutrients in one bite through growth milk. Choose growth milk which also contains the prebiotics PDX and GOS and Beta-glucan which can maintain the health of the child's digestive tract and prevent infection and disease in its infancy. By consuming the right growth milk, not only will children's memory increase, their immune system will also be strengthened.

4. Invite children to cook

Cooking is also a way to improve children's memory which is quite effective. Quoting from Healthy Brains, according to Jeffrey Cummings, Director of the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, cooking can stimulate three of the six pillars of brain health.

Starting from training the brain's abilities that will affect memory, provide the nutrition the body needs, and encourage social interaction. These three things are important in improving cognitive abilities, especially in children.

By cooking, children will be trained to plan, and control their thoughts and actions on a single goal. In addition, their brain will be stimulated to remember and follow the directions you give well.

5. Doing physical activity

The last way to improve a child's memory is to get the child physically active. Doing physical activity is believed to improve children's cognitive abilities and memory; has an antidepressant effect; and create a sense of well-being in oneself.

The American Academy of Pediatrics even recommends children to do physical activity for at least 60 minutes each day. For example, aerobic exercise has a positive effect on cognition, behavior, learning achievement, and psychosocial function in children.

However, physical activity is not limited by exercise alone. Invite children to play outside, walk or bike around the home environment. You can also have a dance party with your nuclear family or build physical barriers in the house to encourage your kids to move.

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