Taurus Zodiac
Taurus zodiac sign comes from the constellation Taurus. This zodiac sign has an earth element and the zodiac symbol for Taurus is the bull or bull. People born from April 20 to May 20 have the zodiac Taurus.
Period: July 26 - August 1, 2021
Taurus Zodiac
Love of Taurus Zodiac
a. Single Taurus Zodiac
Let your childish side emerge. Don't worry too much about your image so you don't be yourself. Let your whole personality be your attraction.
b. Dating Taurus Zodiac
You and your partner need to find healthy activities that strengthen your bond and avoid boredom. It's natural that if you've been together for so long, you've become too used to it. Therefore, it needs more creativity in creating surprises in the relationship.
Opportunities to increase income with your creativity will be wide open on Friday. Don't be afraid to take a chance as long as you've tried to calculate the risk. This time, all will pay off in time.
It's time to taste the fruits of hard work and be in the spotlight. The long term project you worked on was a great success. Your boss and company will recognize your contribution and value. Enjoy this moment and it's your time to shine.
Over time, you get used to being at home alone. You are actually worried that when Micro Lockdown ends, you have to go back outside and meet a lot of people. Your anti-social spirit stirs and struggles.
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